NJ Senator Cory Booker, a passionate national advocate for health equity and maternal mortality issues, has been invited to give our keynote address. His staff has vowed to do everything possible to have him at our summit, senate schedule permitting. Senator Booker is just one of many leading voices on health equity in the US who will be speaking at our summit.
The topics we will be highlighting include:
Chronic Conditions: diabetes, heart disease, obesity, hypertension, prostate, and breast cancer- all of these conditions disproportionately impact ethnic and racial minorities in the US and patients are often diagnosed with more severe stages of these diseases. How can we improve health education, screening and treatment for these conditions?
Maternal Mortality: A recent CDC report found that maternal mortality rates spiked 40% in 2021... one of the worst rates in the country's history. While income is protective for other women, it is not for Black mothers. What efforts are underway to prevent these deaths?
Affordability of cutting-edge treatments- game-changer anti-obesity medications, drugs to slow Alzheimer's disease progression, and Multiple Cancer Early Detection Tests- How can we make new Pharma and Biotech treatments and diagnostic testing more affordable for average and low-income Americans?
Accessing Mental Health Care in the US- studies show 45% of Americans require services at some point in their lives. Still, many aren't able to access care due to a lack of insurance coverage, lack of providers, and language barriers. Many people who are sick also suffer from depression and anxiety. What is being done to increase the number of mental health providers in the US?
Medicaid Redeterminations- 1 in 4 Americans are now covered through Medicaid or SCHIP. How effective have states been in re-enrolling patients into other ACA insurance programs without disrupting treatment? What do millions of Americans possibly losing insurance coverage mean for the healthcare industry?
Minority Participation in Clinical Trials- Slow reaction to the vaccine rollouts cost lives during the pandemic. The US has very poor minority representation in trials. With targeted treatments being the future of medicine, how do we improve ethnic and racial minority participation?