Creating Sensible Healthcare Solutions

PressureCare Program

Moms are always there for us, so it’s time for us to be there for them. Social Health X Foundation is raising funds to provide pregnant NJ women with blood pressure cuffs and educational material on preventing pregnancy and child-birth related high blood pressure complications and deaths.

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Mission: Keeping Veteran Moms Safe

They kept us safe, we need to keep them safe. Social Health X Foundation is raising funds to provide pregnant veterans with blood pressure cuffs and educational material on preventing pregnancy and child-birth related high blood pressure complications and deaths.

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“SHX Foundation's mission is to find sensible, fiscally responsible, healthcare solutions and to improve healthcare industry outcomes by educating, supporting,  and engaging patients.”

Joe Luzi

Founder & Trustee

SHX Foundation

“Healthcare providers, pharmaceutical, insurance companies, patients, and caregivers benefit from a healthcare system that educates and engages all Americans about treatment options and best health and well-being practices.”

Joe Luzi

Founder & Trustee

Social Health X Foundation

Social Health X Foundation (SHX) forges vital connections between the healthcare industry and communities. This results in dramatically improved patient health outcomes, greater public trust in the healthcare industry, and expanded markets and profits for companies.

Fostering Change

To bridge healthcare delivery gaps, SHX promotes educating patients by using patient stories and easy to understand plain language to describe treatment options and best health practices.

Social Health X Foundation’s mission is to improve healthcare in the US and worldwide.